If you’d like to learn the incredibly simple formulas behind my copywriting success, I invite you to view my classic video: How to Write Long Copy that Makes Money.

Here’s a sneak preview:

How to Write Long Copy That Makes Money

When I wrote The Great Retirement Betrayal 30 years ago, one of the most widely mailed direct mail promotions of its kind, I had no idea that it would become one of Phillips Investment Resources’ most successful direct mail packages ever.

Frankly, it was my first “real” direct mail package for an A-level client. I was just hoping they’d hire me back. And hire me back they did!

After all, my direct mail package simply crushed their previous two-year control and was unbeatable for three years. In the end, more than 25 million pieces were mailed, and my life has never been the same.

In fact, this direct mail piece was so massively successful that the buzz about the promotion rippled through the industry. It’s no wonder. Denny Hatch received a copy and gushed for three pages about it in Who’s Mailing What!, declaring:

“The magalog format is not only alive and well, but has reached the state of perfection with Doug D’Anna’s effort for The Retirement Letter.”

As a result, not only did I receive calls from Forbes, Prevention Health Books, Boardroom, and other A-level clients asking me to write for them…

…but I also heard from local members of the Newsletter Publishers Association who practically begged me to make a presentation at our chapter meeting on how to write long editorial-style copy.

So I not only accepted the invitation to speak but also videotaped my presentation!

Little did I realize it would become a copywriting classic that has survived the test of time.

What You’ll Learn in This 30-Minute Video:

First and foremost, you’ll learn that you, too, can start from scratch and rise to the top of the copywriting field. As I always tell my friends and readers, if I can make it as an A-level copywriter, anyone can. Watching me—as a young 37-year-old—proves it!

You’ll also learn how I come up with winning ideas. I know you’ve read on the Internet about magic copywriting words and other tricks. But truly, the key to success isn’t the snappiness of your headline—it really comes down to knowing what to write about.

In this video, I’ll explain how you can develop a strong sales premise along with three questions you should ask yourself before you begin writing any promotion. Ask the wrong questions of yourself and you’ll end up writing about the wrong things. This is always a package killer.

I’ll also share with you my simple “National Enquirer” method for identifying the “want-to-know” information that your prospects…well, want to know. Plus how to put this information together in a way that piques their interest, increases their desire, and triggers their action.

I’ll also explain why there’s no substitute for research and why the more your direct mail promotions resemble a magazine or special report, the greater your chances are of creating a winner.

In addition, you’ll discover my own approach to writing headlines and why I prefer the BIG headline over the multiple-headline, magazine-like mailers.
I’ll also share with you my simple MBWA (“management by walking around”) approach to identifying the big headline.

Plus you’ll discover how you can mine promotion gold at magazine stands and how writing with an editorial slant will pay off in droves.

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